She got back my love for writing again

She got back my love for writing again


2 min read

I loved loved writing when I was growing up but because I struggled with mental health issues no matter how many journals I would have my parents went thru them and at some point I got tired of it. It was my space and my privacy and that wasn’t respected so I stopped writing completely I was like F this. I hated it for a long time until my teacher came along. I had talked to her about just life and she was my English teacher and I had mentioned to her that I use to LOVE writing but since my parents went thru my stuff no matter how many journals I had I just stopped writing and I hated it. In class we would do writing prompts and I secretly loved it and I was good at it and my teacher never failed to let me know what a strong writer I was. Once I told her why I stopped writing she said that wasn’t right and I need a safe space to get my feelings out so she gave me a journal and said try this out and see what you think and said you can leave it with me it’s safe and I won’t look at it and I trusted her with my life so I wasn’t worried. She would give me time in class to just sit with the journal and see what I came up with and we continued doing writing prompts in class but as I journaled more I realized how much I love writing I’ve always loved writing letters to people letting them know how much I appreciate them and I just loved getting my thoughts out and my teacher created a safe environment for me to just write and man I love to write. it just calms me and I would like to be a writer one day and write my own book but my teacher is also the reason I even have a blog because without her and her willingness to just create a safe space for me I don’t know if I would have gotten my love for writing again. She was amazing and I truly truly thank her.

If you are chasing any dreams pls go for it!! I want to be a writer and write my own book when I grow up.

Sending lots of love and kindness
