Why I want to be in the helping field…

Why I want to be in the helping field…


3 min read

When I came to America is when I realized you can be so many things in this world such as doctor , therapist, dentist etc. Since age 10 till now I wanted to be a therapist and that has absolutely never changed and that’s because I have gotten so many treatments and therapy for years and it inspires me so much because people in the helping field have experienced some sort of trauma and they have a lot of understanding and they have worked on their issues and want to help others I find that so incredibly sweet and it inspires me so much. I love helping people and I have been thru so much in my lifetime and I feel like I would be such An understanding therapist and I could guide others very well.

As I mentioned I’ve always wanted to be a therapist since I came to America and that is 100% still accurate and ever since going to Thira I also found my new interest. Working with eating disorders specifically being a dietitian, and the reasoning behind that is I was so incredibly inspired by the staff there whether they were diet techs , dietitians they just truly amazed me bc some of them struggled with ED and now they are helping others. It inspires me that you can go thru something so hard and you persevere and work thru it and then take to courage to help others. I know I can get thru my ED a bit and help others because I want to show others you can go thru something but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that’s what every staff at Thira even MH’s or just anyone has showed me. I learned so much from Thira about the body and just eating disorders and I feel like I have knowledge to take what I know into college and learn even more so I can be a dietitian and help others.

Also I was very very impacted by a diet tech named Franny and she helped me so much that I want to impact another girls life in a way she did. Franny truly loved her job and she was so good at being there for us kiddos. But watching her being a diet tech was nothing but amazing and it inspired me to want to be a dietitian at some point in my life and I will have a lot of experience and so I do feel like I have a calling to be in this field but yes someone who inspired me is Franny all the way. I am also inspired by all the other staff but I know whatever I do I want to be in the helping field because people have gone out of their way to help me and I have been lucky with the people who have come into my life and taught me a lesson because I want to do the same for anyone struggling.

If you have dreams and hopes please go for them!!

Sending love and kindness
